Chelsea Olivia

Chelsea Olivia wijaya (was born in Bandar Lampung, on 29 July 1992
The age 16 years
It is a Indonesian actress
Chelsea is the youngest child from three related.

Lilis Karlina

Lilis Karlina (born in Subang , 5 October 1974; age 34 years) is dangdut singer of Indonesia. Her name famous from song Goyang Karawang, she call with si Goyang Karawang. Her song have title like as Kejamnya Kasih (2001), Goyang Banondari (2004).

Nabila Syakieb

Name : Nabila Syakieb
Place & Date of Birth: Bogor, West Java, 18 November 1985
Occupation: Undergraduate economic school - Paramadina University, model, actress
Advertisements: Pop Mie, McDonald, Con-C, Putri Fresh Cologne

TV Series:
- Cinta SMU
- Pilihlah Aku
- Anakku bukan anakku
- Aku bukan untukmu
- Maha kasih
- Darling

Annisa Bahar

Annisa Bahar
Jakarta, 25 November 1980
The biography: Annisa Bahar is known as the singer dangdut unsteadily"broken". He also is known as the controversial singer on his fluct c0d uation, until several places refuse his appearance.